Some Random Simple Assets

I’ve been in a bit of a real life transition, and I’ve moved to another location. My apologies on the long delay between updates! My resume will list the same address since I technically am still living there as well. Whenever I have a job lined up I’ll be sure to update my location, as I’ll likely be moving closer to wherever I need to be.

Several of these are WIPs and unfinished work.

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Refurbished Web Site!

I made this portfolio website not purely for the intention to get 2 credits towards graduation. I made it to carry on towards my career and serve as a tool to showcase my work. The core principles of the original design I intended are much more apparent in this updated version. It still feels like a bit of a diamond in the rough, but I’m sure that some persistent nudging of the site will make it even better.

Continue reading Refurbished Web Site!