Bust WIP

WIP! Ears ? Who needs ears? This character does. Soon(tm)

My apologies on the duration since my last post! I’ve been spending quite some time with a new part time job, fixing some living accommodations, and my tablet is barely functioning.

Although it isn’t immediately apparent, I took advantage of the latest Zbrush update, and I’m using a live boolean cube to cut off the neck area for showcasing purposes for now. The update brought a lot of features I was hoping to use for some embroidery, etched metal, etc which I’ll need for this particular character.

I’ve got a long way to go on this character, from the eyes to the missing ears to all of the other minute details besides adding a torso! There will also be a plentiful addition of hair, with this particular character having a very unique style. This is technically fan art, but is no way near a point that it might be recognizable as to who. For now, I’ll simply hint that its a TV character from a 90s sci-fi show.

There are a lot of intricate details to a person’s face and head, and if not done right it has a possibility of not appearing to be the character. Worse yet, it can come out as not seeming quite human. Hopefully this thus far gives off the vibes of a 40-something year old man.

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