Downloadable Game Demos – Troubleshooting

I heard some feedback recently from a visitor who attempted to download my two demo game projects (Frankie and Wild Corps.) They were able to download the file, but they couldn’t run it. There are details into fixing this issue within this blog post. If you have encountered this issue or any others, please let me know!

Issue 1:

“This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer”


“The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?”

Fix: If you find yourself encountering this, simply right click on the .exe file and check the “Unblock” box near the bottom and apply. If you are encountering the second line of text, you can likely skip this fix and simply hit “run.” This fix will remove the annoyance of having to do so every time.


Feel free to submit any questions or feedback regarding these two games below!

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