Broadening Horizons

I’ve been trying to keep being innovative to have fresh content, but I am finding myself unable to see some ideas through. Some ideas just end up being practice or scrapped, as I’m really hoping to hone in on some ideas to feature for my portfolio.

I’ve also been looking for work, and spending some of my time applying for jobs. Not having much luck though isn’t helpful to maintain a creative mind, and as a result I’ve fallen into a bit of a slump. I’ve ended up considering work outside of my field.

Despite the slump, I’d like to feature some of those scrapped ideas below!

Backside of a male sculpt I was working on
Backside of a male sculpt I was working on
Not knowing what to do with this stylized head, gave it a thinking pose!
Not knowing what to do with this stylized head, gave it a thinking pose!
Just some quick practice with 2D brushes
Just some quick practice with 2D brushes!

I’ve also done some extra brushing up behind the scenes on the website. Most importantly blog security. I want to keep a firm grasp on my content. I also tweaked the color palette of the blog and improved viewing the entire site on mobile devices.

Fun fact I found out recently, I have a wpm of around 60-70 on average, and I can peak at around 95 wpm. Some of the jobs I was looking into applying for wanted wpms of at least 30.

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