World Building In UE4 – Desert, Field

Getting back into some world building, made some very tiny landscapes for Unreal Engine 4 using demo assets. I never had much of an opportunity in college to use Unreal as my college seemed to heavily push Unity always. I’ve taken it upon myself to try and learn on my own, and the engine’s tutorials and online videos make getting into Unreal relatively easy.

Civilization must be nearby, that's plenty of water!
Civilization must be nearby, that’s plenty of water! Maybe near those trees..


Although this is a static image, I introduced some wind to the scene
Although this is a static image, I introduced some wind to the scene

Unreal is very efficient, and has a lot of features and ease of use that makes the engine especially appealing for me. Some of the demo assets take a while to load initially for my laptop, but I’m pretty sure its thanks to the complexity of the shaders.

Looking forward to doing more with these, and not using such a tiny grid so that I can offer a different perspective. Would have posted sooner this week but became quite ill and hopefully I’ll have some more new content up asap.

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